When you enter online marketing, you’re told to pick a niche.
And you’re told that health, wealth and relationships are the big three. Pick a subniche in any of these, and you’ll likely do well.
But what if you want to do better than “well?” What if you want to dominate your market?
The first people into the big three markets had it easy, since there was ton of demand and very little competition.
Those who followed had it tougher.
And today, while the demand is still there, the competition can be brutal.
Unless you continue to niche it down.
Markets (heath, wealth, relationships) are saturated.
Sub-markets (weight loss, forex, dating) are saturated.
Which is why you’ve got to specialize even further.
Study the competition and the processes they use, and then create your own market.
Here’s how:
1: Audience and Slogan
Your first step is to choose your audience and then target them with the right slogan – a slogan that promotes change.
If you look at recent American presidential campaigns, you’ll notice a trend:
George Bush Sr’s slogan – “A Proud Tradition”
Bill Clinton’s slogan, “Time to Change America”